2023 Eleusis, European Capital of Culture
Logotype, Stationary, 2021
Logotype, Visual Identity, 2019
The new logo of the National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens is based on the characteristic parallelogram shape of the building, which was originally created by the architect Takis Zenetos. The form of the building and its location contributes to the enhancement of its horizontal axis. The Greek initials of the National Museum of Contemporary Art were used to depict the extended shape of the structure.
Through its simplicity, the logo aims to describe a space, a framework that is not self-determined aesthetically, but on the contrary is hetero-determined every time by the work of each artist. The weight of the logotype was chosen to reflect the stability and the gravity of a National Museum. In addition, the letter Σ -as an internationally renowned Greek letter- highlights the significance of the Contemporary (Σύγχρονο) as well as the Museum’s origin. The identity of the Museum was completed with the contribution of Dalton Maag agency that designed the extended Emst Sans Variable font.
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